




子馬子期認為中 山 君故意悔辱他,一怒之下,投奔楚國,還做了楚王的顧問。

子馬子期始終不能忘懷那一羹之辱,便煸動楚王攻佔中山。中 山 君被逼出走。


逃亡的時候,中 山 君發覺後面有二人跟著他,便問道:「你們做甚麼?」



中 山 君聽了,喟然長歎道:「施予不在多少,最重要的是能不能濟人之困阨。怨恨不在深淺,最重要的是有沒有傷透人心。我因食物而亡國,也因食物而得二位忠義之士。」



Friend or Foe?


When the King of Zhongshan held a banquet for his favourtie officials, he also invited Ma Ziqi. However, when the soup was served, Ma Ziqi was accidentally left out.


Ma Ziqi thought that it was a calculated insult. He left for the State of Chu at once and soon became the King's trusted counsellor.


Ma Ziqi could not get over the humiliating incident. He urged the king of Chu to invade Zhongshan. The King of Zhongshan had to take flight.


In his flight, the King noticed two men treading on his heels. Turning his head in suspicion, he demanded, "What are you doing?"


The men fell on their knees and said, "When our father was dying from starvation, you had duly fed him a meal. On his death bed he bade us give up our lives to save yu, so we'll follow and protect you wherever you go."


On hearing their pledge, the King sighed, "It doesn't matter how much you give. It's whether you're giving it at the right time that's most important. It doesn't matter how deep the hatred is. It's whether you've broken the person's heart that really counts. I've lost my country over a banquet, but I've also gained two faithful men over a meal."









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